Picarti’s Cookie Bouquet


Say how you feel with a cookie Bouquet today. Choose a mix from our delicious flavors or choose one single flavor – the choice is yours. 


Choose your flavour(s) * 

Special Instructions

Tell us about your order (what’s the occasion / any brief instructions / color preferences)

Bouquets can be designed by the theme of an event, birthday, anniversary, get well soon, etc. with your choice of color(s)  (based on availability ). Each bouquet comes with a handmade hangtag for writing your personal message. 


Call 767616-4098 or WhatsApp us at 767285-9233 to arrange pickup. Orders are available within 24 hours.

Please note Bouquets, Platters, Token Boxes and Cinnamon Rolls require a minimum of 48 hours to be prepared.


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